Welcome in the wintery season with scents that are so warm and indulgent that you won’t want to leave the house! Scenting your home for winter can help to keep the winter blues at bay and set the mood and intention for these darker, colder, wetter months. Evoking feelings of comfort, it’s time to make your winter game strong.

Keep on reading for all our best tips...

The Season is Shifting

Ah winter, you fickle friend! It’s a season that most of us have a deep love for or let’s just say a more complicated relationship! It’s taken me a long time to fall for the cooler months, I find it particularly strange down here in the Antipodes as winter does not mean the holiday season!

It means that I’ve had to learn the true art of ‘cocooning’ of creating my home into a winter wonderland so that I can escape the dreariness of winter when there are no Christmas festivities to lighten the gloom! Luckily, winter here isn’t so bad, but the gloominess is most certainly there if left unchecked.

Changing Rooms

I really love to do this now, although I’m not so sure my husband does! I love to rearrange the furniture in the house and switch things up. Gone is that wonderful indoor / outdoor flow from summer. It’s all about getting cozy. Creating delicious little nooks are what it is all about. We have a little reading nook, a space for games and we’ve even set up a little movie night space! You don’t need a grand mansion for this, it’s simply moving things around (Covid came in handy there!) and getting creative. Repurposing spaces and furniture can end up being a lot of fun and keep those spaces feeling fresh.

A big spring (Autumn?) clean also comes in handy too. We throw, donate, pack up and store everything that we no longer need for the colder months to claim back some space. With so much time spent inside, feelings of spaciousness are even more important.

Let’s Talk Scent

Scent is a wonderful way to create a winter wonderland - and it’s a lot of fun too! If you, like me, have found that your life is increasingly moving into a digital space, I crave moments of ritual and ceremony to shift my headspace. Whether it’s for work, or at home (Netflix and chill and all that!), maybe even the odd doomscroll before bed, coming back into the real world is more important than ever!

As a meditation teacher, I have my mindfulness practices to lean on. As a candle lover and maker, it’s no surprise that scent plays a huge part of my daily rituals!

I love me a candle, I adore incense (oh the ancient ceremony oozes out of these divine little sticks!) and I’m always on the hunt for fun ways to bring scent into my world and I’m not alone in this pursuit. Covid changed the game for many of us, even though the hunt for all things wellness was well underway, Covid is changed how we move through our world and spend time in our homes.

Scent can transform the energy in a room, in the spaces that we spend time in. Using it with the changing of the seasons seems a no brainer and often many of us will naturally do this.

My Favourite Winter Smells

I love citrus smells for winter - well, if I am honest this is an all year round thing, guilty! But I do step up my orange scents as it cools right down. I also love a rich, indulgent apple scent too.

Scents that include warm woods, cade, leather and amber all nod to creating that rich and comforting atmosphere, associated with the colder, months. Right now though, vanilla is having a wonderful comeback and I am very much for this. Here are my fav winter smells:

  • Leather & Cognac

  • Winter Rose & Charcoal

  • Sandal Wood & Cacao

  • Frankincense & Myrrh

  • Dark Rose & Labdanum

  • Spiked Wine

  • Vanilla & Spice

I also am bringing back the incense. Now, you may have some preconceived ideas about incense, but the current incense revival is bringing in more complex fragrances and unique notes that challenge what our expectations of these wonderful sticks of fragrance can bring.

You may have seen that I am working on something behind the scenes and yes, you will be able to find incense here very soon!

My Top Picks

The Naval Orange Candle
Quick View
The XL Lemon Candle
from $139.00
The Butter Candle
from $64.90

The Power of Scent & Memories