Fall in love, with taking care of yourself…

Does the thought of taking care of yourself feel a little uncomfortable? Perhaps you even read that with a snort. Is it so far down on your priority list that it barely registers?

The reasons may be wildly different for each of us but the end result can look very, very similar. The problem with putting yourself at the bottom of a list, is that you begin to see yourself that way. You’re not as important …. You are less than … Your self-worth takes a nosedive. You maybe asking yourself why this is important. Well, ultimately you are sharing with the world how you view yourself. You will step further and further away from the things that you want, the life that you want.

Now, I also want to make clear that there is a distinction between taking care of yourself isn’t about growth. Self-care is about the basics, that sometimes may not seem so basic. In fact, you may have come to view them as luxuries or vanity. Here are some:

  • Appearance (I’m not talking vanity here)

  • Exercise / movement

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep

  • Healthcare (doctors, dentist etc)

  • Care of the mind (meditation etc)

Taking care of yourself can drop in importance for other things too - grief can have a major impact when it comes to looking after yourself. Being a parent can be another. In fact, a shift in any area of your life can impact how you feel about taking care of yourself.

Now, yes there are times where taking yourself may seem like it is a luxury, you are the only judge of this, however, I really want you to consider if this is true. At the very least, I want to challenge you to look at yourself, how you treat yourself. This is the difference between surviving and thriving.

If that list above feels out of reach then there is a smaller, gentler way to start. This is not an all or nothing situation. I know this from my own experiences. I know that I have spoken about grief and my own experience with it.

It started small. Small, baby steps are often the best way. With daily affirmations (don’t knock them till you try them!) that I’d use throughout the day as needed. Then it was meditation and breathing. Then it was appearance (a bold lip did wonders for my mood) and that prompted me to look after my skin. It’s all linked you see. Each step forward, each action, prompts another and it all started with an affirmation, which for me, was a declaration of intent. Sounds a little dramatic perhaps, but back then, it all felt a little dramatic and I’ve come to learn that too is ok. At its core, I was learning to fall in love with me and taking care of myself.

If you are waiting to take that first step then let me pass on the affirmation that spoke to me.

All is well. I am safe. I am calm. I’m ok.

I have even come to share this with my children. They have been powerful, potent words for me and hope that they are for you too.

Some additional affirmations

  • I deserve to be loved, by me

  • I am grateful for the love that is in my life

  • I am ready for healthy and loving relationships and it starts with me

I’d love to hear what taking care of yourself means to you. Perhaps you’d like to share the barriers that you face. Any thoughts at all.

K x


